25.11.2023 07:18
📌Akyl we akyllylyk barada nakyllar Iňlis dilinde :

1.Agyr otur, ýeňil gop. – Think much, act swift.

2.Akmak, akyllydan ökde boljak bolup, hemişe öňe sokuljak bolar. – A fool always rushes to the fore.

3.Akmak bilen gülüşenden, akylly bilen aglaşan ýagşy. – Better to mourn with a wise than to make a joy with fool.

4.Akmak dana boladan, samsyk akylly bolan ýegdir. – Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. – (W.Şekspir)

5.Akmak dymsa, akylly saýylar. – A fool when he is silent is counted wise.

6.Akmak kyrk ýaşda-da akmakdyr. – A fool at forty is a fool indeed.

7.Akmak öz ilinden aýyp gözlär. –A fool seeks disgrace from his people.

8. Akmaga dymmaklyk – jogap. – It is wise to remain silent to the fool’s speech.

9. Akmagyň agasy bolandan, akyllynyň inisi bol. – Better to be a younger brother of a wise man than an elder brother of an idiot.

10. Akmagyň dili aklyndan öňde. – A fool’s tongue runs before his wit.

11. Akyl är döwletden düşse­de, hormatdan düşmez. – A wise man keeps his respect even though he loses his wealth.

12. Akylla ýalbarsaň peseler, akmaga ýalbarsaň – eseler. – A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.

13. Akylla yşarat. Akylla bir söz besdir. – A word is enough to the wise.

14. Akylly adam dil öwrener. – Intelligent learns lanuages.

15. Akylly dostuny öwer, kemakyl aýalyny, samsyk özüni. – A wise praises his friend, the slow-witted his wife and the idiot praises himself.

16. Akylly oýlanýança, tentek işini bitirer. – While a wise man is coming to conclusion, an idiot fulfills it.

17. Akyllynyň gadyry akmak ýanynda bilner. – You can appreciate a person’s true worth comparing him with a fool.

18. Bir samsyk bäş akyllyň agzyny alardar. – A stupid can breed strife among five wise people.

19. Dana bir söz eşidip iki söz düşüner. – A wise man hears one word and understands two.

20. Däliniň gazanany bezenenine ýetmez. – A fool and his money are soon parted. : A fool’s bolt is soon shot.

21. Däliniň müň gepi telek, bir gepi gerek (derek). – A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose.

22. Gorkagyň akly giç – A coward will always think with his legs.

23. Hantamaçylyk haýaňy iý – Expectation consumes embarrassment.

24. Ikä çapýan birden galar. Iki jan owarrasy. Iki kude bedäniň arasyndaky eşek. A donkey between two bundles of hay. – An ass between two bundles of hay.

25. Kör hasasyn bir aldyr, iki aldyrmaz. -A fox is not taken twice in the same snare.

26. Men gezmen, nesibäm gezer. – I don’t seek my fate, but my destiny finds me.

27. Mollasy köp bolsa, toklusy haram öler. – Too many cooks spoil the broth.

28. Ol eşekde ýküm ýok, ýykylsa, habarym ýok. – A courtyard common to all will be swept by none.

29. Saçyna ak girse-de, aň girmedik. Ulalyp oňalmadyk. – A big head and little wit.

30. Samsygyň düwen düwünini sag çözüp bilmez. – A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. : A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.

31. Süýtde agzy bişen, suwy üfläp içer -A burnt child dreads the fire.

32.Zeleliň ýaryndan gaýtmak peýda. – A fault confessed is half redressed.

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